Career InterestTest

A guide to career management

Purchase for $10.00

The Career Interest Test is designed to be used in a wide spectrum of career guidance activities. It helps candidates choose an occupation, plan their career and grow as professionals in the workplace. The test, which is based on the RIASEC model, measures 12 interest domains and matches the candidate’s profile with a list of 80 occupations across various sectors and fields, to help pinpoint the most suitable profession. The report provides constructive analysis, helping the evaluator initiate a meaningful dialogue with the candidate, to understand their vocational interests and match their profile with suitable career options.


Combined with a personality questionnaire, the test can be an integral part of your recruitment process. Through an assessment of interests and professional aspirations, recruiters can assign the job roles and responsibilities that would be most stimulating and rewarding for employees.

Orientation and mobility

The test can be a point of reference for career guidance processes, so as to help candidates make informed decisions about their career. The test provides good insight into job preferences for those considering a career transition. The combined approach of RIASEC profiles opens the field of possibilities to a deeper exploration of an individual's aspirations by targeting occupation in adequacy with their personality..

Skill assessment / Training courses

The testfacilitates the dialogue between the individual and the assessor and is an indispensable tool for skills assessments and trainings. For training courses, the test can help optimize resources by identifying learning styles and the environment most favorable for individuals’ development.

Target audience: any profile
Questionnaire: 84 questions based on real-life scenarios
Test time: 12 minutes
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Training: certified training offered before using the test
Key features:
Offers the candidate’s combined RIASEC profile
Matches the candidate’s profile with 80 different job categories
  • Graph showing results
  • Personalized comments
  • Combined profiles
  • Matching the candidate’s profile with 80 different job categories