Spelling mistakes can cost companies millions of euros, according to a study conducted by TextMaster, which claims that 90% of professional emails contain at least one spelling mistake. The French Language Test allows you to assess your candidates' and employees' level in written French, both native and non-native French speakers. The test measures their knowledge in 3 areas: spelling, grammar and vocabulary. This psychometric test is used in recruitment, training, coaching and skills-assessment.
Would you put your company’s reputation at stake because of poor vocabulary or spelling errors? This test enables you determine your future employees' proficiency in French at the recruitment stage.
In order to grow in an organization, one needs to understand the subtleties of French vocabulary, as it is essential to evolve in roles which require impeccable writing skills. The results of this test enable you to easily identify areas of improvement in your employees' French ability and develop training tailored to their level. The test positions the candidate on the Common European Framework of Reference which ranges from an elementary to an advanced level.