Improve self-awareness and understand others’ emotions
Emotional Intelligence, the ability to manage one’s emotions and adapt to one’s environment, is considered essential for improving self-awareness and achieving professional success. The Emotional Intelligence Test-R provides a reliable score of an individual’s inter- and intra-personal competencies by assessing 12 specific factors related to emotional intelligence.
The Emotional Intelligence Test-R is advised for any candidate who is likely to work in an environment where inter-personal relations play a crucial role. The test results inform the recruiter on the socio-emotional qualities of the candidate by revealing their ability to manage emotions, to motivate themselves to achieve goals and to maintain a good relationship with their team
The Emotional Intelligence Test-R can be useful when designing training programs which are adapted to an individual’s improvement areas. Our Emotional Intelligence Test-R is broadly used to identify and develop management qualities. Emotionally intelligent leaders are more likely to make effective leadership decisions and achieve better business results. Managers whose emotional intelligence is low will attempt to impose and dictate change, while managers with high emotional intelligence will be able to lead the team in driving change. Assessing emotional intelligence will help you with decision-making in areas, such as team management, leadership development or management transition.